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How to terminate GlobalNDA
If you would like to terminate GlobalNDA please reach out to our support team and we will be happy to walk you through this process.
What's the benefit of signing up for GlobalNDA?
GlobalNDA is the first NDA registry for companies to opt in and start talking. It reduces busy work for legal departments and wait time for sales. It makes it easy to immediately begin deals with other active members. This is the End of NDAs.
Using the favorite option in GlobalNDA can be valuable, here's why.
You can use the favorites indicator in GlobalNDA to track your connections with your most valuable contacts. Simply click the heart icon next to your "favorite" contacts. You will recieve an update if the NDA has been terminated for any favorited ...
Custom NDA hosting
Contact us for more details about GlobalNDA's enterprise solutions.
Creating Your Account
Creating your GlobalNDA account is as easy as 1,2,3. Enter your name, email, and create a password. Just like that, you are ready to start using GlobalNDA!